4 Creative Ways to Add Metal to Your Home's Décor

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

If you want to break up the look of heavy wood around the home or add a modern touch to the home's interior, you can do this with metal. Not only will this update your home's look and create a unique style, but metal also reflects light so that small and dark spaces seem bigger and brighter overall. Note a few ways you can add metal to your home's décor, and speak with a professional metal cutter about having these pieces custom made if you cannot find them in a home supply store.

1. Staircases

Metal railings can help brighten up a dark corner staircase and add an industrial touch to the home. A painted metal railing in a bold green or apple red can also be a fun way to bring in some colour and even a retro look.

2. Splashback and benchtops

Because metal is so durable and resistant to germs and burns as well as stains, you can use it for your kitchen's splashback and benchtops. A metal benchtop is a good way to reflect overhead light and can also create an industrial or commercial look in the kitchen; metal also typically just looks cleaner than other materials and surfaces, so it may be a good way to bring in a nice, welcoming style to the kitchen.

3. Cabinet faces

You may not want to replace all your kitchen cabinets with metal ones, but you can replace the cabinet door fronts with metal inserts that reflect light and break up the look of wood. This is especially helpful if your kitchen cabinets are a very dark wood, as this can make the kitchen area seem cave like. Metal in an area of cut-outs around the cabinets faces and doors can match your stainless steel appliances or other metal in the space, making it seem more coordinated all around.

4. Metal furniture

You don't need to have uncomfortable metal furniture in your home if you work with a metal cutter or fabricator; he or she can create curved chairs that you can easily settle into or create side tables and other accent pieces that are just large enough to bring a touch of metal into a space without it seeming overly industrial. Consider a metal bookcase or TV stand, a metal dining table, a metal bed platform or headboard, metal barstools for use at the kitchen counter or even metal carvings as artwork you can display.


5 December 2016

John's Industrial and Manufacturing Blog

Welcome to my piece of the internet. My name is John, and I imagine you found this blog while looking for information about industrial or manufacturing concepts. I recently decided to start this blog because I needed somewhere that I could share my research. I recently moved to a small town, and I'm trying to attract factory owners to set up shop there. As a result, I have done an immense amount of research into these fields. I figure the more I know the easier it will be to pitch our town to business owners. Anyway, this blog is a separate project to that. It's just a space where I want to share tips and ideas related to manufacturing. I love writing, and I hope that you enjoy reading my posts. More importantly, I hope they help you make your business more productive. Thanks for reading!